Friday, May 13, 2011

Thought of the day: Devour

"When life hands you lemons"
Never understood the saying "When life hands you lemons make lemonade" cause to me lemons should never be associated as a bad thing. They are delicious! I can eat them raw, or with salt or with pretzels. I cant get enough of them.

It is probably why my teeth are so white, even though I will have no enamel when I'm older to fight off tooth decay. But we're talking about the lighter side of things today. Always one with a positive look on life, I can't help but radiate my wonderful mood today. Am I glowing? Its just bronzer and a tan, but it's just a lovely feeling for sure.

Been playing a lot with online tutorials lately just to pass the time and see if I can learn anything new about the programs I use daily. I was going a little mad trying to figure out more complicated wordpress and web tutorials so took a break to play with more light hearted stuff. The lemon above comes from an illustrator tutorial from Spoon Graphics. Boop.

I hope everyone has a glorious weekend. Cant wait for the St. Louis Renaissance Faire this weekend.

I love turkey legs.
I am Ashley Scroggins and I approve this message.

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