Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So what does a graphic designer with a slight obsession with celebrity gossip go as for halloween?

a magazine layout and design!

Complete with celebrity humor (and subscription card).

I heard that Britney Spears was a popular costume this year, so I thought "what would be one step beyond that?" The answer had everyone laughing at the costume party I went to.

Monday, October 29, 2007

so you think you can sew

This was my boyfriend's idea so I have to give him credit. Otherwise, I would have never tried to put this together. I actually cut out all the pieces to the mizzou logo and •using a sewing machine and the patience of buddha• carefully sewed them to a black canvus fabric mapping out a tailgating tiger flag masterpiece, that flies like a champ. Used at 4 football games thus far with one more to go. GO TIGERS!

twenty-three: a birthday to be proud of?

I know this is late, but blogging is a new thing for me (so is cleaning/organizing my desktop). The lovely invite ubove was created for my birthday festivities this past summer. 23, too old to celebrate anything cool. Too young to worry about being too old yet. thats my motto.

i thought your motto was "a day without laughter is a day wasted"

its my birthday. my motto can be whatever my heart desires today.

(its not my birthday)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

So I Paint.

So this is kind of lame, but painting really is one of my greatest loves in life. I just like the feeling of passing time with a brush in my hand. This is a mural I did for my old High school of the glorious mascot. (you'll see my obsession with tigers grow from here, but I was a tiger in high school and college so –once a tiger, always a tiger).