Monday, May 25, 2009

Stationary for Mom

I made this stationary for my mother's birthday. She likes to write people letters in a world of email and to commemorate her effort and old school style, I made her this. Black and Gold of course - her fave colors because of mizzou.
Wrapped box with handmade paper.
Includes envelops, handmade cards, a divider,
and a cd of printable designed stationary paper.
Each card is unique to each other
and made with left over materials used to make the stationary box.

This was just a fun project because whenever I ask my mom what she wants, she always replies "just make me something" ever since I was a little kid. This way there is time, effort, and something I enjoy to do involved to make her something that she enjoys to do.
Materials from Artmart.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Answer To My Problems

I get inspired a gazillion times a day. I have a sketchbook, post its, pictures, random pieces of paper scraps, check lists, to do lists galore. It really is an organizational nightmare. But all that is about to change with one app discovery today.

This thing is amazing. I've even downloaded it to my Crackberry and away I go. I swear, I'm becoming quite the little tech savvy business app at a time ;)

Now if I can only find an app that would organize my home office...

Social Networking Seminar, i.e twitter

Went to a social networking seminar for work. It covered how to use myspace, facebook, and twitter to the advantage of your business. It was kind of interesting but me and Dustin were the youngest people in the room so it was more of a "showing you how to use these websites" tutorial than anything else. Non the less, I was inspired and immediately went home and...

...joined twitter...

haha. I've been trying to put it off for as long as I could. But I finally broke down yesterday. Time of death: 2:27

Anywho, now you can follow scrogginsdesign on twitter.
P.S. I downloaded twitterberry to my Blackberry Storm...and now I'm addicted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FOUND Comes to St Louis

Found Magazine creators and brothers Davy and Peter Rothbart were at the Mad Art Gallery in Soulard in St louis last night as a part of their Denim and Diamonds tour. I have to say I had no idea what to expect. I thought that they were just going to be displaying some of their favorite found items. But I can say with confidence that the experience was well worth it. They are more of a comedy team, whose material was that uncreated by themselves but the world around them.Like Davy said "it is like a international community art project" as he read some of his favorite and albeit most histerical ramblings, notes, love letters, flyers and receipts. Peter engaged everyone with some songs he wrote inspired by the some of the greatest found items of all.

The crowd favorite as well as my own of course would have to be "damn, girl. the booty dont stop" which when put to jack johnson-esque music is quite delightful :)

I laughed so hard, my eyes leaked.

To check out more on FOUND, check out their website or you could see where they are performing next on their 57 city tour and make a road trip out of it. And the moral of this story is dont just walk by that scrap of paper lying on the street...pick it up, discover a new world, and send it in!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lost Season Finale!

Tomorrow is the LOST season 5 finale and I have made no secret of my obcession with the show. So to pay my respects to the genius that is LOST, I decided to create Lost themed baked goods for my watch party tomorrow night. Not pictured are other cupcakes that I made to have the Dharma Logo on it...and you wouldn't know what that is unless you are a nerd like me :)

Tomorrow looks to be one of the greatest days of my life!