Thursday, June 18, 2009

Link It

Stumbled upon some neat website as well as some useful ones.
We Make Words is kind of cool. Its just a blog of words made from everyday or not so everyday items. Its just an interesting idea. Its two girls taking turns making words and each word corresponds with the one before it. So maybe you should start from the bottom.

Another site that I found thanks to smashingmag posting it on twitter is very useful if you're a freelancer. I do a lot of work on the side, and I usually just go by the clock on my computer. But Less Time Spent helps track your time while you are working on your project so you dont have to...for free. Not sure if I'm going to jump onboard with this, but I thought I'd share since a lot of my friends also do a lot of freelancing.

And the last link of the day is for all my obcessive lost fanatical me!These are ads created for the Dharma Initiative. Pure Genius! I would just like to say that I just made my cohabitator watch seasons 1-4 on DVD and he is now just as obcessed as I. He is currently trying to find season 5 online, but ABC took it off their site. I guess they want some build up for when it also comes out on DVD. I just dont think I can wait until February 2010 to find out just what the eff is going on!

Oh well. Enjoy.

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