Friday, August 20, 2010

Urban Assault

Last year was the inaugural year of the New Belgium Urban Assault Scavenger Hunt in St. Louis and Me and Adrienne volunteered at the mystery location (which was the art museum in Forest Park). I had been hopeful of getting a bike before the next year's event so that I could participate. Alas, the time of the year came and I ordered my bike just a week too late. Oopsies. So I did the next best thing, Volunteer again.

My husband did it with me this time too. It wasn't too hard to convince him when I told him you got free beer. We went to a wedding the day before so this was the perfect breakfast. It was supposed to be another smothering hot August day in St Louis but it actually wasn't that bad.

The object of the scavenger hunt is to promote biking in your city and the race is actually 10 different locations around town and you have to figure out the best ways to get to each of them. Its a very creative way to help you find out new trails in your area.

Our job was at the finish line this year, telling the bikers where to put their bikes and to run to the obstacle course for your finish.
That will be Me next year! I already have my bike...

For more pictures of our Urban Assault adventures, click here.

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