Thursday, November 6, 2008


This was my Costume. I was Foreigner's Juke Box Hero! All painted by Muah. A big hit with the friends who love the band. It was really a present to you, Griz. I also played music and had a coin slot for requests. It was burned ceremoniously on November 1st at the end of the night at another party. Tear. 

This was the pumpkin I carved...with an Xacto Knife! Those cheap carving tools wouldn't do what I wanted for the teeth so I had to resort to other sources. But it looked pretty cool when it was lit up. The funny thing was that as halloween passed and the pumpkin began to wither away, it started to look like an old person who was becoming toothless. 

Then this was me at work on halloween. I  had brought little pumpkins for everyone at work at the beginning of October and on Friday, I carved mine into a little baby face. cute.

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