Monday, April 27, 2009

Arbor Day!

Planted a tree in our front yard on Arbor Day.
It was a gift from my parents for Easter.
Apparently its a special kind of Elm tree that they used to Line the White House with.

Have the Best day ever, Green Bean!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Art

Oh what festive spring eggs, you say? Well with the help of some rubberbands and stickers, I was able to create some pretty cool designs. I would like to thank Jo Stealy, my fibers teacher for teaching me the ways of shibori - a Japanese dying technique for opening up my eyes to the ways of dying creatively ;) Also having color theory in college was a definite plus.

No but this was a lot more fun than just dying them one or 2 colors. My fingers may be suffering the cruel aftermath of creativity - they are now black - but it was well worth it.

Happy Spring all!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Coolest Thing I've Seen Today

Speaking of Lady Gaga.

Poker Face - Lyrics + Electric Guitar = rock n roll genius

lovin it...